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Definitive wax

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Definitive Wax is a manufacturer of car care supplies from Norfolk, UK. The brand is known for their various wax creation. Definitive Wax is known for aiming at the more exclusive and bespoke side of detailing products.


Definitive Wax products

Definitive Wax is most known for their wide range of wax products. Although they started out with creating commercially available and unique/bespoke wax, they now have a slightly wider range of products. The current range also includes shampoo, paint cleaners, dressing and glass cleaners. All their products are made by hand at the Definitive Wax office in Norfolk. Although the common range is offered in luxury glass jars, the bespoke and extra luxe creations are offered in a hand-made wooden or acrylic case.

Definitive Wax History

Definitive Wax started its life with the creation of Definitive Wax Marble, a special wax creation to be used exclusively on their customer cars. Due to their customers wish for maintanance products, to soon realized they had to create a wider range of products. This created Durus Glaze and Ostendo Glaze. Eventually their would be several others added.

Definitive Wax and Detailing World

In the past there have been a few disagreements between Detailing World and Definitive Wax, this resulted in Detailing World blocking their name on their forum. When the brandname is entered, it will only display: “********** Wax”. Many forum visitors go to great length to circumvent this block by writing the name differently. For example: “Def!n!t!ve Wax” or “D3fin1tive Wax”.

Company information

Definitive Wax is located in Norfolk, UK and his its own company website. And are known to be very approachable. The company also offers full detailing service at their location. One of the unique features is their ability to create bespoke and unique products for certain customers. The company is not very often seen on detailing events and/or car care related meetings. They are rarely seen on detailing related fora or message boards, unless represented by a customer or reseller.

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