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Cleaning a matte surface

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Cleaning a matte surface is slightly different to cleaning a regular glossy surface. There are certain things you need to keep in mind to do the job correctly without affecting the matte look.


What is a matte surface

Light redirected by matte surface
Light redirected by matte surface

A matte surface is a surface that has a very uneven surface. Because of this uneveness, it doesn’t reflect light in one single direction, but it redirects light in many different direction. This gives it a very different look then a glossy surface. Although a high glossy finish is more popular, many people prefer the look of a matte surface.

The risk when cleaning

The risk you run when cleaning a matte surface is that you unwillingly make it more flat then wanted. For example, if you would use a very light polish to clean the surface, you would actually flatten the surface, increasing the gloss. You would be removing the very things that makes a matte surface matte.

Tips and tricks for cleaning

  • Don’t use a shampoo that has any gloss enhancers
  • Don’t use a shampoo that contains wax
  • Any additives are best avoided, it takes more effort to learn what is acceptable and what is not, then it is to just avoid any additives
  • A shampoo without any additives, wax or gloss enhancers would be fine to use
  • Use a soft washmitt
  • Rub around in circles while washing to get the hair into every microscopic groove
  • Be carefull with chemicals, always test in a small area first
  • Scratches can be made, but are a bit more difficult to remove
  • It is possible to clay, but don’t use a very rough clay and don’t apply to much pressure
  • If you use a QD as a clay lube, rinse it off after you are done claying with a panel
  • Try not to drag your towel when drying, but pat-dry
  • When you have marring from claying, either use a chemical polish or a very fine finishing polish
  • Don’t use wax or Glaze
  • Any product with gloss enhancers are not recommended
  • In case of doubt, always ask the manufacturer
  • There are certain products on the market that are specifically designed for a matte surface, but products that are suited for both finishes don’t mention this

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