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Autosol is an American manufacturer of detailing products for various vehicles. A large portion focusses on automotive detailing products, but they also cater for industrial processes, marine, metal, motorcycles and home cleaning. The company is based in Austin, Texas and was founded in 1929 and became an LLC in 2003.


Autosol products

Autosol offers a wide variety of products that can help in the cleaning, perfection and protection of most surfaces on most vehicles. The products are categorized in Auto care, Home care, Industrial, Marine care, Metal care, Motorcycle care and professional. Each category has a few unique products

Autosol history

Autosol started out as a manufacturer of metal polishes and surface polishes in 1929 in America. The company has grown to a manufacturer that offers its product in over 70 countries and has 3 manufacturing plants around the world. The company was founded by the German Otto Durst, and has always had a strong focus on professional quality. The metal polish is advertised as “the best selling metal polish in the world”. Autosol has grown over time not only as a manufacturer of its own products, but also as manufacturer for BMW, Mercedes Benz, Audi and Volkswagen. Some products are also made for Ford, Toyota, Nissan, Texaco and Shell.

Company information

Autosol is based in Austin, Texas, America and has its own company website. The company is not often seen on detailing related events or meetings, and is only sparingly mentioned on detailing fora and message boards. The company is not overly active on social media.

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