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Swissvax is a car-wax manufacturer based in Switzerland. They focus mainly on creating car wax with the highest standards with the best ingredients and actively support an exclusive feel about their brand and products. Swissvax can also be known under Swizol, Swissöl, Swissol or Swizöl. It should not be confused with the manufacturer: Zymöl.

Because the information provided by Swissvax to write this page is still absent, the contents of their company website was used to fill this page. Due to circumstances with Zymöl it is unclear what information is correct. There are different reports on the history of both brands. As an unpartial group, we decided to use the information as its supplied by the manufacturer.


Swissvax history

Swissvax is a complete care system for cars. It comprises an interrelated range of cleaning, washing and care products.
Like many unique products, these too were originally manufactured on a small-scale, “kitchen table” basis. The old Anwander chemist’s in Zurich served as both the laboratory and the workshop for the first tins of “Antikwachs”, using an old wax formulation for antique furniture and lacquer. Since those first precious tins of “Antikwachs”, the Anwander family has devoted itself to producing paints, lacquers and waxes for three generations. The natural car waxes were originally produced solely for the personal use of grandfather and company founder Hans Anwander. Over the years, the formulation was progressively adapted to customer and environmental requirements and to technological changes.
Today the products are still made in their wax production facility exclusively by hand, and the tins are individually filled. The high-grade, complex formulations do not lend themselves to large-scale industrial production. Compromise is just not compatible with their passionate commitment to producing the very best waxes and care products. They invite you to experience the waxes that make Swissvax world famous.


Unlike ordinary finishes, Swissvax waxes contain no abrasives and can be applied to all paint surfaces, even old nitrocellulose lacquers, modern water-based paint systems and “nano paints”. Swissvax uses two components: cleansing oil and wax. The waxes are easy and pleasant to apply and leave no residues on rubber seams or in crevices.
Carnauba is the world’s hardest, purest, most transparent and also most expensive natural wax. It is obtained from the upper side of the leaves of the “Copernicia prunifera”, a fan palm native to Brazil, and is graded according to colour and clarity. The highest quality is classified as rare grade one carnauba and is used in their waxes. The level of shine increases with the percentage of carnauba used in the wax formulation. While conventional car waxes have a carnauba content of between 3 and 5%, Swissvax formulations contain between 30 and 76% by volume (one of the highest concentrations available on the market).
Unlike ordinary polishes, which simply polish a paint surface to a shine while the lower layers of paint get dryer and “starve”, the Swissvax carnauba formulations, enriched with passion fruit, orange, avocado and vanilla oils, restore a deep shine to the paintwork. The result is a deeper, unique “wet look” that so appeals to collectors and car enthusiasts the world over.
Carnauba waxes as such, however, are nothing new. As early as the nineteenth century, waxes containing 100% carnauba wax were being manufactured and applied. Their disadvantage was their poor durability, as 100% pure carnauba wax can simply be rubbed away with the fingers.

Swissvax different approach

The Swissvax secret lies in the extraordinarily long-lasting carnauba wax formulations, which are created in a manufacturing process using double-walled microparticles that lasts several htheirs – known as “microencapsulation”. The surface morphology and the composition of the microparticles can be studied under an electron microscope or with a Ftheirier transform infrared spectroscope (FTIR). Results have shown that both concentration content and morphology greatly depend on the wax composition, the protective colloid, the external polymer shell and the organic solvent, which is what in fact makes the wax soluble. The thermophysical characteristics of the waxes are strongly determined by the synthesis conditions, which is why other manufacturers have not so far managed to imitate the long-term qualities of their waxes.
Switzerland’s reputation for quality and precision is reflected in their products. For over three generations the people at Swissvax have been committed car lovers and collectors. their unique products do not have to meet either sales targets or production budget constraints. This has allowed Swissvax to become what it stands for today: high-value care by perfectionists for perfectionists.

Contacting Swissvax

Swissvax has a company website, is active on several detailing fora, have their own Facebook page and can be found on Youtube and Instagram. They can sometimes also be found at certain detailing events, although this is sometimes done by resellers.

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