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what is rinseless wash

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A rinseless wash is a washing technique that allows you to wash your car in a way that does not require rinsing afterwards. It is not waterless, but rinseless. This way of washing can save on time and/or product and prevents too much chemicals from going down the drain.


Why rinseless wash

There can be several reasons why a rinseless wash is preferred. It uses less water, which is good in areas with a water restriction. It makes less mess, less water running down the floor into the drain and it can be considered more eco-friendly.
Rinseless washing can also be preferred when you visit a car meeting or detailing event. Rinseless washing can also save time, because you won’t spent any time on rinsing off the vehicle. Since there is no rinsing, there is likely to be less water that needs to be dried off afterwards.

Risks of rinseless wash

Although rinseless washing can be very handy in some situations, it is not designed for every occasion. Due to not rinsing afterwards, you don’t flush away the loosened dirt or dust that might have been left behind in the suds. You also run the risk that the suds dry up to leave residue that affect the protection of looks from your nicely polished surface.
Rinseless washing is therefore more suited for a “quick wipe” or a “general clean”, and much less for a “deep clean”. A surface covered in mud, dirt and other caked on contamination, rinseless washing is not recommended. There is a large amount of risk for marring and creating swirls. Using a pre-wash (like snowfoam) or blasting off the largest amounts of dirt with a pressure washer would be a minimum. Only when the surface is only moderately contaminated, it is safe to use the rinseless wash.

Process of rinseless washing

The process of a rinseless wash is not very different to a normal wash, apart from the rinsing stage obviously. The most common practise on a rinseless wash would probably go like:

  • Get your 2 buckets out
  • Fill one with rinse water and the other with your rinseless wash product diluted at the correct ratio (most often between 1:200 and 1:250)
  • Use a proper washmitt to wash your vehicle like normal. Work one panel at a time!
  • After washing a panel, use a clean MF towel to dry the surface
  • Use a second clean MF towel to wipe off any remaining residue
  • Done

The process is easy and straightforward. Not very different to a normal 2-bucket wash.

Tips and tricks

  • Always work one panel at a time, depending on the weather you might want to split the roof and bonnet into 2 parts
  • Use plenty of clean MF towel
  • Fold your MF towel over after each panel to use a clean side on the next panel
  • Work from the top of the car down to the lowest parts
  • Rinse your washmitt carefully to remove any dirt trapped in the fibers
  • Don’t start rubbing a dirty spot, remember then you are not rinsing off the loosened dirt, rubbing to much might mean that you are rubbing the dirt around creating surface imperfections
  • Use the side of your towel with the long fibers
  • Let the product do the cleaning, your washmitt helps to spread it and to catch any loosened dirt
  • There are a few washmitts that have been specifically designed to work with a rinseless wash
  • Never let the product dry up on its own

Rinseless washing and the Garry Dean method

There are a few different techniques besides the regular 2-bucket method. One of those is the Garry Dean method. This is method in which a combination of rinseless washing and normal washing is combined. You use the technique and product from the rinseless wash, but you add an extra element. The rinsing is replaced with a larger wet MF towel. To prevent the rinse water from getting to dirty, you use a MF cloth for each panel and discard the MF cloth after doing one panel. The Garry Dean method can be done when rinsing is needed, or if somebody doesn’t feel comfortable with not rinsing at all.

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